本帖最后由 brotherdan 于 2021-4-24 11:34 编辑
9 t) l+ h5 X" z6 x, P- t
( k9 Y2 V% a! [* ~9 w6804A/25600KM/本地车 无事故/Coupe 4座/Executive PKG/DINAN/部分M4改装件; j S8 X! V9 d9 V' Z
9 j p. B4 s0 B+ g1 u2 t7 G
3.0T 直6 365HP/后驱/7速自动双离合//运动调教底盘+悬挂/头显/19"M轮毂+运动轮胎/增大刹车卡钳/M-performance 方向盘/M排气尾管/碳纤内饰/8.8"中控屏/导航/Harman Kardon音响/BMW's ConnectedDrive phone integration service/运动加热座椅/多种驾驶模式/天窗/Apple CarPlay/倒车影像+雷达/方向盘加热/前碰提醒+主动刹车/车道保持/自动大灯/手机无线充电...( F* ~+ R, k$ q1 ]* e
( A2 N/ n; z% e8 IUpgraded Features Include:
$ h/ Z3 y& O. T" s-Dinan Big Turbo: a5 [, F5 q: d5 H4 y5 O
-Dinan Intercooler. {; E7 e# d; v* a% i
-Dinan Sway Bars
4 h1 [' v" y; i& R/ s-M-Performance Coilovers
t# K, Y4 P# x4 b [-AEM Methanol Injection System% i0 s' t H/ o! T6 D8 c* X7 b. i
-M-Performance Cat Back Exhaust
1 L# ?) P" f: m-CTS Intake and Charge Pipe
5 K2 ]$ q8 g$ F+ ^-Expel Clear Wrap
5 B- H3 }' q& K' G4 w-Ceramic Coat
9 l; v3 f3 W; D9 R-Upgraded LED Steering Wheel
' L6 D. h4 _* x; _ n" ~-Phoenix Racing Intake Manifold
) |: w5 X, L5 N/ F( [-XDI-35-HPFP
0 @; C# d; M( Z, W& H8 G, O-Custom Paul Johnston Tune
: |* o+ t* I# N: b5 n2 D/ S-Catless and Cattes Downpipe Available
. P3 F. I/ W6 P$ i( O( R7 K-JB4 Available, but not installed% m t) b; b" f1 [% S
1 q& _: J5 e O支持新移民& 留学生分期付款(Finance/Lease) 支持银联 寄卖服务
% A/ y5 j1 s* X8 X, M& L
9 l# h; {( d$ s! h r. G7 f ^% xNOTT车行,深耕二手车市场13年,品质高于利润; NOTT丹哥,供职华晨汽车10年,口碑重于佣金。 请浏览Google Review ( T5 [0 g% O7 A! v% ~" d4 ~4 k
% v+ }, X A3 Q. e) K更多视频敬请关注: 微视:Brotherdan 抖音:Nottdan 快手:BrotherDan4313355531 油管:NOTT丹哥 2 ]5 t5 ]' S! S, @. `- h4 t
" b9 S+ k ]6 A预约买车 微信丹哥 微信:zhangdan535107 0 x# W5 f! b% y% ~4 c+ a
. T, b8 f. e- C% J; R- q$ ~/ U/ o
4 Y( A3 g+ u2 ?$ J5 P0 u& h
9 }/ a0 o! D- F4 @4 s6 _/ c5 L |